Major Resolution

2023-11-06 1. Approved the 2023 Q3 consolidated financial statements.
2023-08-08 1. Approved the 2023 Q2 consolidated financial statements.
2. Approved to distribute surplus profit in the form of new shares.
3. Approved the dividend base date and the date for suspension of share transfer.
2023-05-05 1. Approved the 2023 Q1 consolidated financial statements.
2023-03-13 1. Approved the remuneration distribution for employees, directors and supervisors of the company for the year 2022.
2. Approved the Annual Business Report, Consolidated Financial Report and Parent Company Only Financial Report for the year 2022.
3. Approved the 2022 surplus earnings distribution proposal.
4. Approved the issuance of new shares from the capitalization of earnings for the year 2022.
5. Approved to amend the company’s “Articles of Incorporation”.
6. Approved the dates and agendas of regular shareholders’ meetings for the year 2023.
7.Approved to appoint the corporate governance officer.
8. Approved the appointment and remuneration of the company's managerial officers.
9. Approved the evaluation on accountants’ independence and appointment and remuneration of accountants in 2023.