I-87120 (I-87KCAN for origin) firmware library for user-defined functionalities


We develop a new I-87120 firmware library which allows users to define their special functionalities. There are four functions provided by firmware library:

  1. UserInitFunc¡GUsers can do some initialize configuration in this function.
  2. UserDefCmdFunc¡GUsers can define new commands which is used for communicating with host (I-8000 main control unit/WinCon-8000/LinCon-8000).
  3. UserLoopFunc¡GUsers can do some repeated works by using this function.
  4. UserIrqFunc¡GUsers can do something after CAN controller produces an interrupt signal.

Users can make the users¡¦ firmware of I-87120 just coding these four functions and re-compile. If users want to use the original firmware of I-87120 just keep these four functions empty and re-compile.


For more detail, please refer to

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