The controller is equipped with ROM-DOS. ROM-DOS is an operating system which can be embedded in ROM and can run entirely from within ROM.ROM is functionally equivalent to other brands of DOS, and can run programs that are executable under a standard DOS.

With ROM-DOS, the executable program may reside in RAM or may be placed in ROM along with ROM-DOS. 

I-7188 series ROM-DOS Based μPAC (ROM-DOS Inside, Serial Connectivity)
By the multi-COM port feature, I-7188 can integrate serial devices (for example: barcode reader, card reader, HMI) and use the few onboard I/O points to implement embedded applications.
Model CPU SRAM Flash EEPROM SN 7 Segment Display RTC DI DO RS-232/
I-7188/DOS/512  80188, 40 MHz 256 KB 512 KB 2 KB - - Yes - - 2
I-7188D/DOS/512  Yes