
NAPOPC Server 015


 Q: How to solve NAPOPC DA Server show "Bad" using OPCLink connect to InTouch?


Please update OPCLink to latest version "OPCLink7619". OPCLink always uses the highest available interface. [Our OPC DA Server using the Data Access 2.0 components.] If you encounter problems using the Data Access 2.0 interface with our OPC Server, you may try to connect to the server using the Data Access 1.0 interface.

The OPC Foundation decided to create Data Access 2.0 because of some minor technical problems with Data Access 1.0. If you decide to use the Data Access 1.0 interface of an OPC Server even though a Data Access 2.0 interface is available, you probably won't notice a difference. 

Warning: The below procedure will force OPCLink to connect to all OPC Servers using the Data Access 1.0 interface. Therefore you will not be able to connect to an OPC Server that only has a Data Access 2.0 interfaces.  

1. In the [OPCLink] section of your WIN.INI file, type the following line. This will force OPCLink to use only the DA1 interface.


2. To see the current DA interface version of a connected OPC Server, click Data/OPC Server Status from the menu bar or click the OPC Server Status button  . The OPC Server status will appear as shown below:



Written by Cony 
